Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow
The Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow has been pioneer legal institution of India. It was established in 1921 with three teachers. Mr.Jag Mohan Nath Chak was its first Dean. The real architect was Prof.R.U.Singh with great zeal and enthusiasm organized teaching and research in the faculty in the systematic way. He held office of the dean, faculty of Law till 1956. He also structured the Law Faculty of Delhi University and Law School, B.H.U. The distinction goes to him that he drafted the Constitution of Nepal. Dr. V.N.Shukla, the well known authority on Constitutional Law was the first LL.M. of the University. His book on the Constitution is still authoritative Volume. Dr. A.T.Markos was the first LL.D. of the faculty. He also held the office of the Director, Indian Law Institute. The first Post Graduate Diploma in Criminology was started in 1964. The Post Graduate Diploma in “Environmental Pollution Law”, “Consumer Protection Law”, “Labour and Personnel Management” were started in 1994. The Post Graduate Diploma in “Criminal Procedure and Advocacy” was started in the year 1995. The Faculty has introduced LL.B. (Hons.) Five Year Course in 1995. Campus The Law Faculty was separated from main Campus and shifted to the new Campus having a total area of more than 75 acres located on the Sitapur Road, Lucknow from 2002-03. The newly constructed three storied building has twenty four lecture rooms, libraries, legal aid hospital etc. Distance from Lucknow Railway Sta-tion is nearly 12 kilometers. The Faculty has residential facilities for students and staff. The campus has one Girl's hostel, two Boy's hostels, International Guest House, staff quarters and a well equipped Canteen, Play-ground among others including Bank and Police outpost. Thus the campus is a self contained unit to provide all infrastructural facilities to teachers as well as students. A congenial atmosphere and environment has been created where professional excellence and human virtues are being cultivated. Some of the distinguished law graduates of the faculty of law, Lucknow University are as follows: Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma, Former President of India, Shri Ram Krishna Hegde, Former Chief Minister of Karnataka, Mr. Surjeet Singh Barnala, Former Governer of Uttaranchal & Tamilnadu Mr. N.K.P.Salve., Ex- Union Minister Mr. Justice A.S.Anand, Former Chief Justice of India Mr. Justice Saghir Ahmed , Former Judge, Supreme Court of India Mr. Justice Brijesh Kumar , Former Judge, Supreme Court of India Dr. A.T. Markose, Cochin University Prof. M.P. Singh, Ex-VC of NUJS, Kolkata Prof. I.P. Massey, Ex. Chairman, Department of Law, Shimla University, Himachal Pradesh, Prof. V.S. Rekhi, Ex-V.C. NSIU, Bhopal
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