Aligarh Muslim University
AMU Law Faculty Profile: Presently AMU have star studded, eminent and competent Faculty. Almost 90% of them are having Doctorate Degrees in various specializations of law. Total strength of the Faculty is 26. At present there is one Professor, six Senior Associate Professors, seven Assistant Professors and five Guest teachers and three Visiting Faculties. The Faculty of Law, A.M.U., Aligarh has been successfully pursuing higher academic excellence. It has a unique distinction of producing highest number of qualitative Ph. Ds in India and hundreds of LL. M. dissertations in various fields of specialization are also publishing two peer reviewed Journals bearing ISSN Nos. namely Aligarh Law Journal (ALJ) in Faculty of Law and Quest for Justice under the banner of Ambedkar Chair, Faculty of Law containing thought provoking research oriented articles of the eminent personalities. Monographs, and Text Books publications is a regular feature of the Faculty. During the last five years, the Department has published approximately 118 Research Oriented Articles, 4 Monographs, 10 Chapters in Books along with 03 Books bearing ISBN Nos. as well as 05 Edited Books. With the idea of bringing radical changes in the Legal Education in India to make it more modern, socially relevant, economical viable, professionally job oriented best efforts are being made to revise the Syllabus and the Course Curriculum as and when required we have included in our syllabus â?? Competition Law, Cyber Law, Banking and Law, Mines Law, Maintenance Law, Banking and Insurance Law, International Trade Law etc. keeping in view the modern needs of the society. The Faculty of Law is presently running 5 year B.A.LL.B. (Integrated) Course, 2 years LL.M. Course along with 3 P.G. Diploma Courses in various specializations. Two major Research Projects, by University Grants Commission (UGC) and ICSSR have been successfully completed. The Department of Law has been ranked at 6th position in terms of academic and research Excellence, among the Indian Law Universities. In 2014, around 45 Ph. Ds have been successfully awarded to the students of the Faculty. We have also signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Washington Law School. One National Seminar was conducted by the Department in 2010 on Intellectual Property Rights (I.P.R.) in New Economy. Eminent Professors namely Prof. Madhava Menon, Prof. A.K. Kaul, Professor S.C. Srivastava, Prof. B.N. Pandey, Prof. Mir Farooq Ahmad, along with the representatives of U.S. Patent Office and many others have participated. Workshops on Sexual Harassment, success that succeeds Right to Information and many Ambedkar Memorial Lectures were successfully organized by the Faculty of Law, A.M.U. Around 40 students have successfully qualified NET/JRF/SRF, 65 students in PCS (J), one PCS (E) and two HJS. The Programmewise student teacher ratio at B.A.LL.B. (Hons) is 1:22 and at LL.M. level 1:4. There is long list of National and International Alumni of this Faculty. Now it has become a regular feature of the faculty to receive feedback from teachers, students and other stake holders. We are running B.A.LL.B. (Hons) (Integrated) Course in which help from 5 Allied Departments (English, Economics , History, Political science and Sociology) are taken which is approximately 20% of total programmes. The Department is conducting 40% Tutorial Classes. We have Continuous Assessment of studentsâ?? performance in all the Courses and the results are declared well in time. The pass percentage of the students is 90%. Our Course is a professional one and students join the Course with the objective of joining the Bar and Bench. Approximately 20% of our students are selected every year in various Judicial Services competition all over the Country. Some of them chase Corporate Companies and rest join the Bar. Thus almost 100% of our students are well placed. Almost 25% students join LL.M. and Ph. D. Programme. Average drop out percentage of students is 5 â?? 10%. Seats are filled as per rules of Admission of the University. Around 3% of students belong to the category of differently abled persons. All the permanent staff of the Faculty is always involved in the process of decision â?? making. 15% of the teachers belong to other States. The percentage of female students in the Faculty is around 45% Teachers get regular training in the Academic staff College, for their Professional Development. The innovative Practices in the Faculty include Practical Training programme (Legal Internship), and Legal Literacy and Mass Awareness Programme in the remote areas of District.
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